RSVP - Put your life experience to service as an RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) Member. You’ll be joining many other older adults who are giving of themselves to improve the lives of men, women, and children in Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, and St. Clair counties in Missouri. Share your lifetime of talent, interests, and experience to achieve results that make a real difference to people and quality of life in our community. You are needed. Join Us!
RSVP connects volunteers age 55 and better with service opportunities in their communities that match their skills and availability. From building houses to immunizing children, from enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations to improving and protecting the environment, RSVP volunteers put their unique talents to work to make a difference.
RSVP Volunteer Stations have been established in eight Senior Centers within Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory and St. Clair Counties in Missouri.
There are many services, activities and programs available to older adults at your local senior center. It's far beyond a place to eat! Many of the services offered are fulfilled by volunteer positions. Do you, your employee(s), your club or group have one day a month or one day a week to deliver meals to older adults, or to volunteer serving meals at the local senior center? You will gain a sense of self-satisfaction and your time will brighten the day for many. Transportation Drivers are desired for essential needs appointments, Lead Instructors for “A Matter of Balance or Tai Chi” classes may be of interest. Maybe Administration tasks are more your cup of tea... How about an Event Planner, Program/Volunteer Coordinator, Fundraising/Marketing or participating on an Advisory Board? There are numerous opportunities to volunteer.Americans 55 and better have a lifetime of experience to share and the desire to make a real difference in their world. They’ve managed households, been business owners and nurses, farmers and salespeople, artists and executives. Now they are ready to put their unique talents and expertise to work in their communities, and enrich their own lives in the process.
Volunteers will receive guidance and training so they can make a contribution that suits their talents, interests, and availability.
You can reach us at: 417-282-7787, by fax at: 417-282-7788, or by e-mailing us at:
We are excited to be partnering with you in service to our communities and look forward to hearing from you soon!